Erasmus+ Sport: Sustainability – goal for small sport organisations


General project information
Start date: 01-01-2021
End date: 30-06-2022
Project Reference: 622418-EPP-1-2020-1-LT-SPO-SSCP
Eu Grant: 42.290,00 €
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Sport
Action Type: Collaborative Partnerships
Summary of the project:
There are strategy’s and plans in place when it comes to sustainability and impact of it major sporting organisations and their organized events, however, the impact of small sports clubs usually is neglected and there aren’t a guidelines and toolkits for small sport NGO’s with different working specifics (individual and team sports, indoor and outdoor activities, sport clubs and sport related service providing organisations) how to evaluate and start making the change in organization and their activities in becoming more responsible and move towards promotion of good governance in sport by implementing sustainability actions in their organisations. Sustainability always starts with the individual and hers or his individual insights followed by behavioural changes (smaller community). Sustainable sports clubs and their organized events are perfect catalyst for this to happen if they are designed and performed as part of the solution.Thus, the intention of the proposed project Sustainability – goal for small sport organisations would be through the networking and identification and sharing of good practices to create the foundation of the Small Sport organisiotion’s Sustainable development advisory System in Lithuania and Latvia, where sustainability in sport subject has only now started to develop and the need of existing theoretical framework’s and practical its execution is crucial, in order to increase understanding of sustainable development importance and benefits which comes with environmental, economic and social growth for the local sport organisations, related stakeholders and whole society. The aim of the project is to disclose a theoretical framework of sport organiasions sustainable development policies, which will provide a sound theoretical basis for versatile practical actions and program.

Documents prepared with the help of the project:
– Policies on sport and sustainability – context analysis of Cyprus, Latvia and Lithuania: Analyzes_GOAL2S_2022.07.26_LT.LV.CY.

– A theoretical framework for small sport organization’s sustainable development advisory system: Framework_GOAL2S

– Guidelines for small sport organization’s sustainable development advisory system and practical actions: Guidelines_GOAL2S


More information:



Cofunded by Erasmus+ of EU